Gestare Art Collective


Wombwalking: Re-attuning with the m/Other
Barbara Bickel, Medwyn McConachy and Nané Jordan
chapter in Creating Together: Participatory, Community-Based, and Collaborative Arts Practices and Scholarship across Canada co-edited by Diane Conrad and Anita Sinner published by Willfrid Laurier University Press 2015.

Bickel, Barbara, Nané Ariadne Jordan & McConachy, Medwyn. (2011). Gestating Art in the Matrixial Labyrinth. Journal of the Motherhood Initiative.



Gestating art_Bickel_McConachy_Jordan.pdf Gestating art_Bickel_McConachy_Jordan.pdf
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Conference Presentations

Revitalizing Mind/Body Through Nap-Ins: Art and Feminist Pedagogy.
Canadian Society for the Study of Education. Women and Education, University of Victoria. Victoria British Columbia, Canada. June 1 - 5, 2013.

Video of the conference presentation and the Dream Scroll happening at Cattle Point Beach in Victoria, British Columbia.

Gestating Relational Artworkings Through a Matrixial Lens
Barbara Bickel, Nané Jordan & Medwyn McConachy. Panel presentation on the Book (Re)Imaginging Social Research: Narrative, Arts-based and Post Approaches to Inquiry. Edited by J. Burdick et al. American Educational Research Assoc. San Francisco, CA. April 2013

Womb Walks: An Arts-based Spiritual Inquiry
American Education Research Association. Vancouver, BC. Canada. Co-presenters Barbara Bickel, Nané Jordan & Medwyn Mcconachy, April 13-16, 2012 in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The Thread of a Dream: Inviting Re-Attunement Through a Nap-In. 
13th Annual Curriculum & Pedagogy Conference. Installation & Interactive three day Nap-In co-event. Co-presenters Barbara Bickel & Medwyn McConachy, Nov. 7 - 10 2012 in
New Orleans, LA, USA.

Originary Compassion Through Art, Labyrinths & Matrixial Aesthetics
Barbara Bickel, Nané Jordan & Medwyn McConachy. Presented by Barbara Bickel at the Center for Spiritual Inquiry & Integral Education. Charter for Compassion Week in Carbondale, Il, USA. March 2012

Holistic/Restorative Learning Through Copoiesis.
April 15, 2011. Gestare Art Collective co-presenting at the American Educational Research Association. Holistic Special Interest Group. New Orleans, Louisiana. USA.

Our presentation was accompanied by the art & sound slide show below.

The Labyrinth, Chora and Matrixial Copoiesis. January 22, 2011. Gestare Art Collective presenting at the International Conference on Narrative, Arts-based, and "Post" Approaches to Social Research (NAPAR), Sponsored by the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA.

Our presentation included a visual sound meditation of our collective and individual artworkings followed by the participants walking and sounding within a Cretan 3 circuit labyrinth taped to the floor. In this way all were able to enter the matrixial sphere of the labyrinth to experience first hand co-resonating within this temporal womb space. Attached is a PDF of the introductory text we read and a MP3 sound meditation  below.

Gestare_ NAPAR.mp3

NAPAR Introduction text.pdf NAPAR Introduction text.pdf
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Gestating Art: A Collective Earth-Based Inquiry was presented by the collective in October 2009 at the Association for Research on Mothering (now MIRCI).  Mothering and the Environment: The Natural, the Social and the Built Conference at York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


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