Collaborative Practices/Teachings
The movement of Gestare developed a series of practices/teachings created by the members and practiced annually by the collective and friends over a ten year period--with cycles that follow the moon, sun and earth as well as birthdays and napping. Within each portal below we share our reflective writings and art inspired by the different practices. From these practices significant teachings emerged and which we share with others. Some of these practices have been written about in articles and book chapters and all of them await more exploration. We welcome hearing from others who choose to take on any of these practices as teachings birthed within the Gestare movement, a movement in healing motion with the Earth and all others, human and more-than-human.
WOMBWALKING - labyrinth making and walking on birthdays
NAP-INS -labyrinth making, napping, dreaming and Dream Scroll making upon waking
ANCESTRAL JOURNEYS - land-based journeys with sun cycles
CO-RESPONDENTS - art gift snail-mailings on birthdays
TREE ENCOUNTERS - be-friending a tree and full moon visits
MOONLY DREAMING - collective dreaming and dream sharing on the full moon
MA POSES - on the full moon
MA POSE & WALKING - on the dark moon
FALLOW - a year of rest
GRATITUDE - on the Earth cycle sabbats

Fallow 2019
A year of rest

book cover 'The Language of MA the primal mother' by Annine van der Meer published in Canada by Demeter Press
This website is copyright of Gestare Art Collective, 2021. All rights reserved.