Gestare Art Collective

Winter Solstice

Gratitude 2020

Barbara's Gratitude Practice
December, 22, 2020

Winter solstice marks the close of this gratitude burial practice. Gratitude for more than 11 years of Gestare Art Collective practices. Gratitude for the divine feminine that has led our collective artworkings from the start. Gratitude for the Earth that supports us all. Gratitude for the Gibraltar Point Beach stone that I happen to be carrying in my pocket that became the center point of the burial marker. Significant in that it was a stone from the beach on Lake Ontario that was the birth place of Gestare. I felt very ready to return this last winged goddess to the Earth along with the choke cherry seeds embedded within her. It was a blessings to have my divine young artist friend Zoe Zum there with me for this closing gratitude burial of 2020. Many of the images are from the video documentation she took.

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