On a rise between the Cheakamous and Squamish rivers, waters where the annual salmon run signals the gathering of the eagles, nestles a small clear deep lake where for decades forest wardens in training, and eager school children have gathered to learn from the ancient trees, rocks, and creeks so that they might better know how to protect and hold unspoiled this beloved place named simply, Evan's Lake. In late August, the sparkling lake, old growth forest groves, dry creek beds, moss covered deadfall, and leafstrewn pathways welcomed a gathering called for the Great Alting of the Waters.
First there was a whisper sent on the wind from South of the border in Missouri. The whisper told a story from the old Norse Gods, a story of great gatherings where the people came together to honour the elements of life, earth, air, fire and waters. The whisper was heard and the call rang out in Oregon, and Washington State, in Ontario and British Columbia, in England and Australia. And so began the movement towards the Alting a great gathering in honour of all the waters of the world.
Those who heard this call were a group of people who call themselves witches who practice in the Reclaiming tradition a feminist, earth based, socio-political activist, spiritual tradition. Gestare member Medwyn attended the event, and took with her the Dream Scroll and her intention to hold a Nap-In at the camp. At first the scroll hung beneath the awning of her camper and the witches asked, "where did the prayer flags come from?", then on the day of repose a Nap-In was held in a platform tent in the woods.
That evening the scroll hung from the ceiling of the great hall where the healing ritual for the waters and the salmon and the cedar and the land was held. The dreams were released into the healing space of song and chant.
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