Gestare Art Collective

Retreats 2011 - 2012

Gestare Skype connection March 23, 2012

Healing Space

collage with red thread braided in healing space for nané by Ingred

Vancouver retreat January 2012

At the start of 2012 we gathered at Ingrid's home for a retreat where we shared stories, and made dolls.

Gestare Art Collective members:

Left to right: Medwyn, Nané, Cindy Lou, Ingrid, Barbara

women & wise
snippets of our saturday co-locations


Co-Event with Cindy Lou Griffith July 2011

An art sharing event at The STAG on July 14, 2011 as Vancouver based videographer and visual artist Cindy Lou Griffith offered insights into the emergence of mystical/ghostlike figures invoking memory and loss in her artworkings and writings.

Labyrinth walking and sounding in the rocky desert January 2011
Franciscan Renewal Center, Tempe Arizona on January 21, 2011
Medwyn & Barbara while attending NAPAR


           Barbara walking the labyrinth

Sand drawing done during our sounding in the center of the labyrinth.
photographs by Barbara

Gestare Womb Retreat January 6, 2011

We gathered in Vancouver, BC, Canada for mini-co-creative retreat on Jan. 6, 2011 where Barbara, Nané and Medwyn entered the Gestare wombspace for a day of resonating threads and strings as we deepen into the rich tapestry of art, inquiry, scholarship and activism that is emerging in our matrixial co-encounters. We worked on the co-writing that is moving us towards expression of our work in the language and context of Ettinger's feminist co-relational theorizing, and recorded a group sounding capturing the resonance of our current gestating. The arrangement done by Barbara of the sounding became part of our NAPAR conference art and sound meditation.

  This sounding fetish icon was spontaneously co-created by the Gestare women during the retreat.

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